How to decorate eggs for Easter napkins – master class

Как украсить яйца на пасху салфетками - мастер-класс

The technique shown in this workshop is known to many as decoupage. But there is one difference – when decorating Easter eggs we will not use glue PVA, and as a fixative substance we will use egg white.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

For this option we prepare the decoration:

  • a couple of boiled eggs (we will decorate them);
  • 1 raw egg
  • three-layer napkins with a pattern;
  • brush.
Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

First, we will take a raw egg and separate the white from the yolk. For further work we will need only protein. Gently lift it with a fork.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

Then choose a suitable paper napkin. For this decor we need three-layer napkins and preferably with a small pattern. We’ll just need the top layer of the paper napkin, and we’ll separate it gently.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

Now we will remove from this blank small elements, which in the future will be the decor of our Easter eggs. We chose butterflies and small flowers using two paper napkins. The whole procedure should be done with fingers, not with scissors, in this case, the edges of the elements will look more natural in the ready form. If you want the transitions to be completely invisible, then it is recommended to use paper napkins with a pattern on a white background.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

Next, apply the selected element on the egg, wet the tassel in the protein and begin gently smooth the pattern. Do it better from the center to the periphery.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

This way wets the entire decorative element, it should be fully saturated with egg white.

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The other side of this egg is decorated in the same way. Here we fixed a smaller butterfly and small flowers.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток

We will similarly decorate the other eggs for Easter.

Декор пасхальных яиц с помощью бумажных салфеток
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